Question and answer about cold room..?

Question and answer about cold room..?

Our topic today is to learn what we don't know about the cold room and find answers to the questions that arise in our minds.


What is a cold room?

Cold room These are specially designed rooms that allow us to store more products than we need, in accordance with today's technology.


What can we put in cold rooms?

We can put all the products that need to be protected and stored in the cold room.

Cold Rooms, which we have built according to the temperature we want, protect our products according to the temperature we want, preserve their freshness, and their taste and color do not change.


On what basis and how is a cold room constructed?

cold rooms than now systematic and smarter locked sandwich  polyurethane They are produced from panels.

According to your daily need we demand cold roomproject within 7 days as a modular cold room We deliver it in working condition

The cold room is designed and installed according to the temperature we need,


Where is the cold room installed?

Before we install the cold room we need, an authorized person from our company will decide with you where the cold room will be installed or not. Your cold room will be installed in a place you agree on.

For example, your cold name can be installed on a balcony in your home, in a corner of your home, or in a suitable place in your kitchen. If it is to be installed in a workplace, it can be installed in a suitable environment that you will also decide on.


What should I pay attention to when choosing a cold room?

The most important issue you should pay attention to when choosing a cold room is the temperature values ​​you need. Another issue is the size of your cold room you need. Once you have decided on these, other necessary information will be evaluated by our company's staff.


How many days does it take to deliver a cold room project?

Cold room After approving the project, our company will complete the installation of your Cold Room within a week, and deliver it to you for operation and demonstration of its features.


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