How to Choose Cooling Devices?

Cooling devices are among the subjects that many people who have the obligation to use cold storage investigate. Because the device must be selected according to the work to be done. If you purchase the device before the work to be done and the area where the work will take place, you may face great losses in this case.
Cold air systems are specially prepared by engineers according to the nature of the work to be done. It enables the engineers to design special cooling devices for you by calculating with fine formulas which products should be protected under which conditions and which devices are more supportive.
Of course, it is not possible for every food to preserve its storage conditions and its first day freshness in the same way. Although fruits and vegetables are stored in cold storage under almost the same conditions, for example, meat and frozen food products are not stored under the same conditions. Cooling devices specially designed according to cooling degrees and speeds are offered to customers according to the work to be done.
We have put into service our cold room devices, which we have specially designed considering the product groups and storage conditions, always thinking that our customers can store their products as fresh as the first moment and preserve them for a long time.
As Keskinso cooling storage systems, we primarily provide consultancy to our customers. We make their work easier by suggesting cooling devices that they can buy according to the product they want to be stored in cold rooms and that they can realize the right storage conditions.

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